Monday, 25 May 2015

Get out of my kitchen and Rattle those pots and pans!!

I've had a set of beloved pots and pans from my mum but they've been getting used less and less and ive been sad about them just hanging around the cupboards and in the spirit of the Marie kon method* I found a use for them somewhere else.

Wilco is very percussion inclined, it was bound to happen with 3 generations of drummers in the family, so daddio set up some outdoor drums for him!

We used super strong cord cut to size and will soon suspend the lids as well for some make do cymbals!

* the Marie kon method, put simply is to ask yourself if something sparks joy if it doesn't get rid! The book is  great and I've completed a massive de-cluttering because of it  

1 comment:

  1. Looks great Fluffy can,t wait to have a bash!
